29 August 2008

A Word about Carroll E

O docker commented that I haven't written about Carroll E in some time. The problem was that Chris was on the ocean at the same time I was so I didn't really follow his race. Since getting back I read his logs and looked at the track but it's a bit different than following it the whole way.

Once he made land, I emailed him with congratulations and concern for Sparky; he stayed in Kauai until Ruben made it there (not endearing himself to his employers but most likely getting a heck of a vacation). He's back now but his boat isn't. Not that I really know that I haven't even been down to my boat to see his empty slip.

Luckily, a joyous A Dock reunion is planned with dinner in the coming weeks. Some time between now and then I'll break out my slide rule to determine who actually sailed faster and perhaps build a trophy for myself and Oceanaire.

Video of Carroll E arriving in Kauai.

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