This fuel is manufactured by nature and bottled by Man, specifically the "Kansas Sailboat Fuel Company". This is as brilliant of a scheme as bottled water, when they can claim that it is direct from nature, not touched by man and still consider that enough marketing to do a mark-up. Brilliant. Absolutely Brilliant.
The real marketing trick is getting it approved by The Royal & Ancient Sailing Society, bka US Sailing*. They've got this small provision in the Royal Constriction Clauses, aka the Racing Rules of Sailing, that say you can't use stored power (unless you have electric winches or a canting keel or a grinder on steroids). The person who finds the loophole for this little bottle of magic will win many Mid-Winter races.
* it is obviously apparent that I have no idea who decides what in the sailing world, please correct me in the comments as I'm sure you will
So, if you use this stuff in a race, would you have to take a PHRF hit?
Rule 42.s states: "Except when permitted in rule 42.3 or 45, a boat shall compete by using only the wind and water to increase, maintain or decrease her speed. Her crew may adjust the trim of sails and hull, and perform other acts of seamanship, but shall not otherwise move their bodies to propel the boat."
Now, if you can define this bottled product from Kansas as "wind," you can legitimately use it to propel the boat. However, I might be careful about the quality of the product. How do you know whether you're getting full-strength Wizard of Oz cyclone-grade wind, or some other Tornado-Alley tempest -- or just some simple summer breeze?
Carol Anne said:
"However, I might be careful about the quality of the product. How do you know whether you're getting full-strength Wizard of Oz cyclone-grade wind, or some other Tornado-Alley tempest -- or just some simple summer breeze?"
This is a brilliant observation. They need to add a "born on date" like Bud Light does. Check the can against the weather archives, this will then boom on the black market at Marina Swap Meets worldwide.
"pssst, hey mister, I have some San Francisco Bay August Gusts here. 30 knots potent."
Good idea! There could be a "lite" air version, and a "whomper" version.
There is also the "bad air" option that could make people run faster when exposed. Very effective when left behind in elevators but could be hazardous onboard sailboats.
If this is a fuel was by nature then it simply means that we don't have to spend tons of money for gas. We can have a ride for free with just the help of our mother nature.
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