OK, so here's a picture of a galley. A galley on a cruiser (PHRF=one ninety something=cruiser). Nothing exciting really, some interesting woodwork, but what in this photo grabs your attention first? Think of this as a rorschach test for sailors and a blatant plea for comments from somebody other than this Dan character.

And, yes, this photo may just make sense to my tens of readers in the coming weeks. Believe me, it's better than another picture of Clover since it turns out the boat looks exactly the same with two coats of paint as with one. Who would have thought?
Nice and homey-looking, brighter and airier than a lot of boats, and I see a high, arched ceiling that means tall people might actually be comfortable (not that I worry about tall people since I'm 4'11"). But the arched ceiling means the deck overhead will be easier for people to walk on when the boat is heeled.
There's something I can't quite define, but the boat has a sort of unfinished quality to it. It's like there's something maybe a little bit missing. I look at the picture and I can't pinpoint anything exactly, which drives me nuts. I ought to be able to define it. But I can't.
You need to go sailing, really.
Where's the blender?
carol anne, the curved deck is a very interesting idea, never occurred to me that it would be easier to move about on. way to go.
tillerman, that is beautiful. one of the selling points is that it comes with all the pots and pans (like I wouldn't be boiling everything before using it anyway).
I'll give the west coast a bit of time to chime in before I point out what I find so odd.
It would appear that the stove has a wooden cover over it. Is the stove gimballed? If not, how are you supposed to use it when the boat is heeled over? Also, there's no galley strap or way for the cook to stay near/in the galley.
There's an outlet on the right for the blender at least.
What is the rope for?
The sink is supose to be on the port side.
Adrift at sea, this is a 28 foot day sailor, not a bluewater cruiser by any means so I wouldn't expect the gimballed stove and cooking harness. Very good catch on the outlet, that's as important as having a wide variety of frying pans.
Honestly, what sticks out to me is who the hell carpets a leaky boat? But I'd have to say tillerman wins with the blender comment. Has anybody ever seen one of those winch-handle powered blenders? Cool stuff for the cruisin' lifestyle!
Interesting, I think this might just have worked as a rorschach test, though Psych 101 was years ago, I'll give it a shot.
What my readers are looking for in a sailboat:
1. Carol Anne: cozy getaway from the stress of daily life
2. Not the dan guy: get EVK4 away from the house more
3. tillerman: something much faster than a boat that can accomodate a blender
4. adrift at sea: something that can take him to the southern ocean, maybe to escape his anger at Pineapple sails
5. anonymous 1: a place for order in the chaos of his daily life
6. anonymous 2: the negative was flipped
thanks for playing.
Oh, the carpet. Yeah, I pulled the carpet out of Syzygy last year. It was getting a bit funky.
I have a 12-volt blender, and also a hand-crank food processor that I can use to make margaritas if my house battery dies.
The carpet immediately struck me as odd and potentially nightmarish. The other thing that stick out to me is fact that the sink is pushed all the way to the side of the boat. It someone forgets to close the seacock to the drain, well....you are screwed. I understand the boat is not a seagoing boat...something I find hard to believe given the Mac26x can go Transpacific and pull a waterskier once you get to Hawaii
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