Clover has a new sail. More the EBay kind of new than the I went to the mall kind of new. I decided weeks ago I wasn't going to plunk down $400+ for a new sail, this boat just isn't as nice as Starbeam but I still wanted a new sail. So I checked craigslist constantly and every once in a while went for a spin on EBay. Boom, for only the second time in my views, a sail was on EBay. And a nice one too. It's described as looking "brand new", "very crispy", and the kind that you "have to roll". I love that.
Besides it's a Pineapple. I've always been jealous of Pineapple sails; the people that buy them are patronizing a local loft and they seem to win races. But every time I've priced out a sail from them, it just made sense to go elsewhere. Now, I have one and I'll see how proud I am to fly that baby.
The logo in question:

Proof that it just might be as "crispy" as my EBay friend says:

Notice how nice the yellow will go with the Kelly Green boat. Don't tell me I didn't think this purchase through.
I worry for you Edward. Sometimes I worry...
Very nice sail. Congrats on the purchase.. but I agree with anon above, I'd worry about you too. :D
Does this mean that you're expecting to win, now that you've got a Pineapple sail???
they are obviously competitors on the racecourse who are scared out of their pants at the tremendous increases in speed I'll see.
Remember, people don't make boats go fast, sails make boats go fast.
Yes, sails make the boat go fast...but if the person isn't smart enough, knowledgeable enough, then even the best sails won't be set right, and the boat won't win.
So are you expecting to win, now that you've got a Pineapple sail???
Dan, who are you and when exactly did I say I was going to win any races? You must work for Rolly Tasker or something.
I'm just me—see my website/blog if you want to know more.
I never said you said you'd win races, but it can be inferred from your original post...where you do say:
"I've always been jealous of Pineapple sails; the people that buy them are patronizing a local loft and they seem to win races."
As for working for Rolly Tasker...never heard of him.
OK Dan, I'm over it now; just remember you inferred, I didn't imply. You just came off as oddly aggressive about me winning races with this Pineapple sail.
That Pineapple sails win races means that they're probably quality sails to me and I really like the idea of buying local. And they have a cool logo.
I read your site and wish you the best of winds when you hit the oceans. Bring lots of books, that Bermuda-Azores high makes even the sportiest trimaran go slow.
Yes, the Pineapple logo is pretty cool...didn't mean to be aggressive btw... just was asking an honest question. :D
BTW, good luck on the racing... looking forward to seeing how you and Clover do.
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