04 June 2010

Ass over Teakettle

Some time around the third knockdown of the night, we heard an ominous sound down below.  A clanking sound followed by an impossibly long silence then a devastating CRASH as metal hit finely varnished teak.  At the time I was sitting in about 2 feet of frothy saltwater on the now comfortable cockpit coaming so I didn't spend a lot of time trying to figure out what the sound was.  But we all knew it was something bad.

The boat was eventually "uprighted" and a cursory glance down below indicated that all was well, nobody's iPhone had broken and nothing appeared to have holed the boat.  It wasn't until the sun was about to come up that we discovered the true nature of the "crash."  The teapot had fallen the entire width of the boat and the handle had broken.  WE WERE UNABLE TO MAKE COFFEE! 

Luckily, at this point we could see the finish line.  Unluckily, there was no wind and Starbucks might just close by the time we got there.  So we were out of luck.   Though I'm trying to milk some drama out of this, we did eventually make it to land, and the coffee pots filled with caffeine laced goodness that the Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club so thoughtfully provided.

But we still had a problem, no teapot.  So, Jack lied.  He told Paul that he had "personal errands" to run and asked me for a ride.  I said "yes" without asking where and for some reason assumed it was to his hotel for the night.  When Paul asked what time I was leaving I said 11 and that we were driving Jack to his hotel.  Paul thought Jack was staying on the boat and when pressed Jack got evasive and wouldn't tell him where he was going.  This was fantastic, we were all confused and Paul thought Jack was up to something.  As we walked to the car, Jack told me that he was just going to get a new teapot and wanted it to be a surprise.  Thanks to my cluelessness I had turned it into a big deal and there is now distrust among the team.

But at least we have a new teapot, hopefully one that will stay put for the next crash.  As long as we have a backup.


O Docker said...

I still don't understand why you are using a teapot to make coffee.

Tillerman said...

I still don't understand why a boat like Valis doesn't have a carbon fiber teapot with an unbreakable handle.

VALIS said...

EVK4: "Thanks to my cluelessness I had turned it into a big deal and there is now distrust among the team."

Don't worry about it. There has always been distrust among the team. We just weren't going to tell you.

JP said...

I sympathise!

A similar thing happened to me when did the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC). Just after leaving during a squall our coffee plunger got broken and there were no shops to replace it for 3,000 NM.

Half way across desperate for proper coffee tried to use some kitchen towel as make-shift filter.

It *almost* worked :(

Enjoyed the iPhone updates by the way, reminded me of RORC races.

tillerman said...

There has always been distrust on my team too. I just wasn't going to tell myself that I didn't trust myself. There's no "me" in team.

O Docker said...

There's a 'u' in trust, though.

There's also an 'off' in coffee, but I can't attach any special significance to that.

EVK4 said...

There is an "I" in tIllerman. and an IV in EVK4.

O Docker said...

There's a 'do' in O Docker, but that doesn't mean I do much.

I wonder if people don't attach too much significance to this whole embedded word thing.

Although, there is a 'teak' in teakettle, and you said that's where it landed.

Baydog said...

EV: Why did you need an IV? The last thing I'd think you'd be was dehydrated.

No matter which way you look at it, there's always an ill in Tillerman. In an endearing way.

Joe said...

Knockdown! I bet you Sir Francis Drake didn't have a knockdown in our waters. The south end of the Americas is one thing, but Northern Cali...come one. A Laser could sail our coast with no problems....I have a bridge for sale by the way.

word veri...cornflakes

Baydog said...

Joe: Is it the bridge I got knocked down from? And if so, how did you take ownership? I want a cut.

Baydog said...

Come to think of it, there's a Bag in Baydog and that's what I'm about to do with this.

Posts Gone Wild. We could sell videos and buy a Lear Jet and party all over the globe.

WV: reole. Cheer again. Or drill again in England

Pat said...

The IV would be for the coffee.

Zen said...

There is the problem. Tea pots do not like being used for coffee! It killed itself rather than lose face yet again. The same will happen with the new one of you shame it! My God man, have you no compassion!

Zen said...

O-Dock as always sees the true light in things...or darkness

bonnie said...

There's a ni in Bonnie. Does that make me a knight?